Doylestown native Jay Smith is living the reality of ALS. For a truly inspiring glimpse into his life, to witness his relentless fight against ALS, amazing determination and positive outlook on his life – please visit his website at Every90Minutes or join his following of over 30,000 people on Facebook.
Through photography services by JE Portraits, we were pleased to be able to raise $1300 at this event to go towards Jay’s medical fund. Overall the funds raised for the night exceeded $100,000, much needed relief for the mounting medical bills for the Smith family. The average cost for ALS patients is $300,000 a year. Unfortunately it is estimated that federal funding for ALS is costing taxpayers $350-450,000 per year, and yet the amount committed to annual research is only $7.5 million per year. Hoping for progress toward a cure in the lifetime of these warriors.
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