Raising Hope Foundation is a community based organization in Newtown PA, of six family friends who decided to unite together in 2015. It all began with the inspiring energy of the DiMedio family, who began this venture on their own with the DiMedio Foundation in 2008. Our founding family had a vision of how they wanted to get involved with their kids, to help other families and children in need. The years progressed, and their events grew in strength and numbers. After discussions of common interests and motivations, we decided to join forces to create Raising Hope Foundation. Our mission is to find ways for our families to give back and provide support to others who need it. Our hope is to also provide opportunities for our friends and local community to get involved, to offer kindness and compassion where it is needed. Between our six families, we are raising 20 children who are learning the spirit and power of giving to others. We are starting at home and reaching out into the world. We are Raising Hope.
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Mahandas Gandi.
We are going to give it our best. Please contact us if you would like to be involved.